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Player 1: Turn leftwards/counter-clockwise: W

Turn rightwards/clockwise: E

Use weapon or item: R

Player 2:

Turn leftwards/counter-clockwise: I

Turn rightwards/clockwise: O

Use weapon or item: P

For both players, jump by releasing the left or right button. Turn sensitivity can be adjusted in settings.

Game Modes

There are currently three game modes in Getaway Shootout.

One Player: Play against three bots with easy, medium, and hard difficulties (adjustable in settings).

Two Player: Local multiplayer play with one other person, either with two bots (and adjustable difficulty) or no bots.

Time Trial: a single player mode with no bots, with the only goal being to finish the course as fast as you can. There is a built in timer that times to the nearest hundredth of a second. There is a Ghost that shows your personal best run.


When a single player game ends, you gain coins for certain things that happened during the game. Those coins can then be spent on characters. Here is a list of how many coins you get for doing these things during that round:

  • Kills: 2 coins per kill
  • Getaways: 7 coins per getaway
  • Difficulty: Playing on hard difficulty adds a 1.5 times bonus to your total coins, rounded down
  • Positive K/D: 3 coins for having more kills than deaths (in the game this is mispelled as “positve”)
  • Placement: 5 coins for 1st, 3 coins for 2nd, 2 coins for 3rd, 1 coin for 4th
  • Deathless: 5 extra coins for not dying at all during the game

An example of a player's coin rewards after a game:

Example coin rewards.png Get a character button.png

With those coins, you can try to unlock characters by pressing "Get a character" in the game menu. You cannot choose which character to unlock. Instead, for each time you pay 100 coins, you get one random character, not including Steve, Sarah, or Stalker (not taking into account the possible Fatman/General glitch in the new version, read below). If you already have the character that you roll, you don’t get anything and the game says "Try Again".

Since the new update, some people have been finding difficulty obtaining the Fatman character. It is currently unknown whether the odds were altered or not. The General was made a paid character since the start of the mobile version.

Below is a graph of the likelihood of having one specific character vs coins spent, followed by a graph of the likelihood of having all characters vs coins spent.

These graphs will be added soon.

This section is a work in progress.