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Getaway Shootout was originally released on August 27th, 2018 by New Eich Games, the same people behind Rooftop Snipers and House of Hazards. Since then, there have been two major updates.

1.1 (5 Year Anniversary)

The first of these updates was on August 27th, 2023 for the 5 year anniversary of the original release. It added two new maps, Terminal and Plane, in that order, between Tower and Town. Other changes were:

  • The starting positions of characters for Town were spread out.
  • 8 new characters: Chaffeur, Flight Attendant, Parachuter, Pilot, Hot Dog Bob, Hot Dog Worker, Panini Pete, and Panini Worker.
  • Sky color changed to a lighter blue.
  • Clouds became more realistic.
  • Stalker automatically unlocks, instead of having to visit New Eich's Twitter/X to get it.
  • The RPG shaped cloud was taken out of the game as well.
  • The shoot button in mobile changed slightly and the left/right buttons moved further apart.
  • The maximum turn sensitivity was lowered. This means that movement overall became slightly slower. (This is a bug to be fixed in V1.3)
  • There was a decorated text box added to the bottom-left of the home screen that said "5 Year Anniversary".


The community was very excited for and happy with most of these changes. However, many players still often play on the oldest version for a couple main reasons. Some players dislike the fact that the maximum turn sensitivity was lowered, so they play on the old version with a higher turn sensitivity. The downside to this is that they can’t play with the new maps on that version. Another reason is that the order of the maps is different. Because of the insertion of Terminal and Plane in between Tower and Town, as well as the lower turn sensitivity, 3-map and 5-map speedruns are more optimal on the old version. The turn sensitivity is also the reason that single level runs on the old maps are more optimal on the old version. For these reasons, just over half of all speedrun categories are still run on the old version.

1.2 (Time Trial)

The next major update came a few months later. In this update, said text box was removed, and Time Trial mode was added to the game. One new character, the Ghost, was added. The change used to be a common request from the community and therefore it introduced many more people to speedrunning.


The players largely approved of this update, as it was one of their most requested features. Time Trial however, allows you to use weapons, which are randomly generated. This means that someone could theoretically get a lucky run using weapons that push you, e.g. bombs and RPGs. This wasn't such a big issue though, considering nearly no one was able to perform it.

1.2.1 (Launch Pad Update)

This map introduced:

  • A new map: Launch Pad, the getaway objective is a rocket.
  • 3 new characters: Astronomer, Camper & Rocket Engineer.
  • Minor tweaks to turning physics; This resulted in turning becoming quite buggy.
  • Changes to how zipline works, in order to accommodate Launch Pad's new vertical ziplines.
  • Due to zipline changes, Town Time Trial ghosts/times were reset, prompting the need for "View History".
  • Screen shake when cars explode or weapons hit nearby walls.
  • All cars (taxis specifically) now explode after taking 125% of player damage. The explosion is lethal to those nearby, and can only be avoided with Shields.
  • "View History" feature in Time Trial menu: the game now saves your previous times from older versions.
  • Fixed infinite shield glitch on Terminal. However the next update will need to fix an identical glitch when you ride on a zipline.
  • Previous spelling errors, such as "Positve KD" and "Cannont win on a tie" have been corrected.
  • Bugs where you can shoot a collateral and the game ignores walls were patched.
  • Terminal's building hitboxes were corrected slightly.
  • When falling out of the bottom of Plane, the game now gives you a death message.
  • New Terminal airline: "Niro". This was added because he provided New Eich with many of the bugs fixed above.


This update was extremely popular with the community, especially since it included a new map. Launch Pad is also significantly harder than most other maps, making it more challenging and appealing to speedrunners and casual players alike. The buggy turning physics caused by this update were not as popular, and New Eich promised next update would fix this, as well as bring back turn sensitivity to how it was in the original version. Cars exploding was a fun addition according to many, but screen shake was something a large part of the community found jarring and/or distracting.

This article is a WIP.

  • note to editors: Add images comparing the versions and links to both versions on a few different sites